Tips for Alpine Linux šŸ—» under OpenBSD šŸ”

Tips & Tricks for a kickass OpenBSD šŸ” dev-oriented laptop šŸ’»

archives linux openbsd

Note: This is an old post from when I wrote on…formatting may be wonky here until I clean it up.

Matterhornā€¦if you squint you can see Puffy up there, I swear. (\_from\_Domh%C3%BCtte\_-\_2.jpg) Matterhornā€¦if you squint you can see Puffy up there, I swear. (

Virtualization is just plain fun. While I do rely on it specifically to satisfy professional needs while running OpenBSD on my laptop (mostly hacking on some enterprise Java software that doesnā€™t natively support *BSD), I find myself constantly fascinated by it and tinkering with it.

The OpenBSD man pages are a great resources, as well are the mailing lists and FAQā€¦but when it comes to non-OpenBSD specific needs like tuning your Linux VM there isnā€™t much out there. Hopefully someone finds these useful šŸ˜€

The following are some tips/tricks for making Alpine Linux far more usable under OpenBSD, especially if you need to do real work in a Linux environment and want to do it on your local OpenBSD machine without rebooting.

This post will cover some installation, disk management, and vm networking tips!

  1. The Serial Console
  2. Alpine install over SSH
  3. Fast Alpine VM boots
  4. Adding a dedicated data disk
  5. Telling Docker to use a separate disk

Alpine VM under OpenBSD 101: the SerialĀ Console

Honestly, this should be self-evident if youā€™ve played with Alpine and VMD. If not, it doesnā€™t hurt to revisit. Trust me Iā€™ve personally lost sanity points on this.

Alpine has many flavors, each with slightly different, pre-baked boot args, kernel configs, etc. Regardless of which you use you need to properly tell Alpineā€™s boot loader to pass along details to the kernel that you need serial console support. (I believe the exception is the virt flavor, but it doesnā€™t hurt to know this!)

At boot, hit TAB to see the boot menu label available. Chances are itā€™s something like hardened or grsec depending on your Alpine version (3.6 vs. older).

Type the name (e.g. ā€œhardenedā€), a space, and then console=ttyS0,115200 like so: hardened console=ttyS0,115200. It should be all you need to properly get serial console access via the -c flag during vmctl start or when using vmctl console.

Install over SSH instead of the SerialĀ Console

There are still some sync issues between OpenBSDā€™s serial terminal emulator (cu(1)) and the virtualized serial console ā€œpluggedā€ into the Alpine Linux VM. This problem, on my host system, seems non-deterministic in how it randomly locks upā€¦so I recommend scrambling to establish SSH access to complete the install.

While itā€™s not readily apparent, most Alpine iso flavors (at least alpine-standard) have the OpenSSH package available, just not installed. This means you donā€™t even need internet access in the VM.

Once your inside Alpine Linux after initial boot from the iso:

  1. Install OpenSSH: apk add openssh
  2. Set a root password: passwd root
  3. Permit root login: Edit the sshd config in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, uncommenting and changing the PermitRootLogin line to something like PermitRootLogin yes. You can use vi or sed or whatever floats your šŸ›„
  4. Start OpenSSH: /etc/init.d/sshd start
  5. Initialize the virtualized ethernet device and get an IP: setup-alpine is the easiest way to do thisā€¦just work through the steps up until you select a network device and configure either static of a dynamic IP (write this down or copy it).
  6. Abort the install: ^c

Once you have the IP, itā€™s safe to kill the serial console via the cu(1) control sequence <return><return><tilde><period> (RET RET ~.).

Then just ssh into the Alpine box using the IP you obtained or set during the aborted install and youā€™ll be on far more stable connection, bypassing the serial console. From there you can re-run alpine-setup and complete the install.

ā± Faster, Unassisted VMĀ Boots

If youā€™ve followed other guidance you may have at least configured the Alpine instance to use the serial console by default. However, unless you intervene youā€™ll either have long boot times or have to manually intervene to navigate the boot menu presented by syslinux. Letā€™s change that so vm.conf can then be used to start it automatically at OpenBSD boot time quickly and confidently.

BTW: This is easily done during install and before reboot/poweroff of the VM. If youā€™ve just completed alpine-setup, you just need to mount the boot partition from your new disk: mount /dev/vdb1 /mnt

Note: It most likely will be the vdb block device assuming vdb is the device you chose to initialize as sysĀ . Choose whichever device you chose during setup-alpine.

Update the config file/mnt/boot/syslinux/extlinux.conf (or /boot/syslinux/extlinux.conf if youā€™re already rebooted after install) to make it look more like the following:

You can either comment out existing lines or remove them entirely. The important things to note are:

  1. Remove the MENU related entries, other than any nested under LABEL.
  2. Preserve your LABEL block since it has your systemā€™s root partition UUID (mine wonā€™t work for you) and the proper kernel name, which may be different.
  3. Set DEFAULT to the LABEL value you want to boot, e.g. hardened

Save and reboot. Other than maybe a slow ntp daemon, it should boot right up and be ready to go.

šŸ’¾ Adding a Dedicated ā€œDataā€ Disk to the AlpineĀ VM

This is super handy if you plan on storing lots of stuff within the Alpine VM and want to be able to nuke the root disk. Letā€™s say your root disk image (where youā€™ve installed Alpine) is called alpine-data.img.

  1. Create a new disk image: $ vmctl create alpine-data.img -s 20G
  2. Start the VM with the new disk attached: $ vmctl start my-alpine-vm -d alpine-root.img -d alpine-data.img
  3. Once booted, install GNU parted: # apk add parted
  4. Configure a new GPT label: (parted) mklabel gpt
  5. Set unit size: (parted) unit MiB
  6. Make a new Ext4 partition (use like disk size-1: (parted) mkpart 1 ext4 1 20479
  7. Check for optimal disk partition alignment: (parted) align-check opt
  8. Name the partition whatever you want (e.g. ā€œdataā€): (parted) name 1 data
  9. Quit parted: (parted) quit
  10. Initialize the Ext4 filesystem on the new disk: # mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdb1
  11. Note the partition UUID that mkfs reports! Copy that.
  12. Make a new mount point for the disk, ideally owned by the Alpine Linux user youā€™ll be working as most of the time.
  13. Update /etc/fstab in Alpine, adding a new line with the UUID like: UUID=2fc3aff6ā€“5a80ā€“4ef7ā€“809b-33de8a3ceb17 /data ext4 rw,relatime,user 0 0
  14. Confirm things are A-OK by running as root: mount /data (where /data is my mount-point). If things are good, the entry in /etc/fstab should tell the system all it needs to mount the disk.
  15. If using vm.conf, update to include the additional disk in the vm settings.

Using disk partition UUIDs, we can make sure if we accidentally or purposely change the order we attach the virtual block devices, the system can still find the right partitions for booting, root, and our new data partition. The joy of GPT and UUIDs!

šŸ³ Docker on a SeparateĀ Disk

If you use the data disk idea above and plan on using Docker on Alpine, it makes a perfect way to isolate the storage used by the containers and their data so you donā€™t blow out disk space for your root partition.

First install Docker, then modify the /etc/conf.d/docker config file, adding a custom DOCKER_OPTS setting:

# any other random options you want to pass to docker DOCKER_OPTS=”–data-root /data/docker”

Where /data/docker is a location on my mounted data disk.

Restart Docker with rc-service docker restart. You should see the hierarchy of the Docker puke šŸ¤¢ in your new directory.

Last step is never tell anyone on the internet you run Docker on virtualized hardware because youā€™ll be told you just killed about 1000 kittens. šŸ¤·ā€

Hopefully the above tips help someone someday. If they do, do us all a favor and kick a few bucks to OpenBSD development.

Future tips might include:

  • Network trunking in conjunction with the VM
  • Backup/restore